
Team day ‘Green, Greener, Greenest’ Ney & Partners, Brussels (BE)

Last Friday, Ney & Partners employees visited sustainable projects the firm has been working on in recent years by bicycle. Starting with the bike bridge across Avenue de Tervuren, the firm’s first bridge project, and from there into the centre of Brussels to Bota Solar’s solar canopy followed by a pic-nick in the redeveloped Gare Maritime. The afternoon was followed by other visits to downtown sites where the reuse of existing buildings was at stake: the Brunfaut social housing tower, COOP refurbishment of old flour mills and a visit to the former d’Ieteren automotive site that has become CIRCULARUIM. A 20,000m2 hub for local circular manufacturing initiatives, including the recovery of CLT surpluses by Ney & Partners WOW. The day ended with a swim at FLOW, Brussels advocates for public outdoor swimming. We sponsored the crowdfunding with unspent transport budget for the team day. (photo: Benoît Olyslager)

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