

  • Steel Construction Awards 2024 – BELUX for the Brunfaut Tower Rehabilitation, Brussels (BE), in collaboration with Atelier 229 – Dethier Architecture (BE)
  • Steel Construction Awards 2024 – BELUX for the Namur Bus Station, Namur (BE)


  • Luxemburg pavillion for the World Expo Japan 2025, in collaboration with SteinmetzDemeyer (LU-JP)
  • Belgian Building Awards, International project 2024, for the generic bridge hovering trails, Hveradalir in Iceland (BE)
  • Diwi-Prys Thomas Award 2024, for the Copr Bay Bridge, Swansea (UK)
  • German Design Award 2024, for the Pavillion Park um Belval, Sanen (LU)


  • Iceland Design Award 2023, for the generic bridge hovering trails, Hveradalir (ICE)
  • Winner Road & Railway bridge BENELUX Steel Bridge Contest 2023, for the Brigandsbridge in Ingelmunster (BE)
  • The Structural Steel Design Award 2023, for the Copr Bay Bridge, Swansea (UK)


  • Shortlisted IABSE AWARDS for Road and Rail bridges 2022, for the Brigandsbridge in Ingelmunster (CH)
  • Icelandic Environmental Prize 2022, for the generic bridge hovering trails, Hveradalir (ICE)
  • Building Beauty Awards 2022, for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge, Ney & Partners – William Matthews Associates, London (UK)
  • Footbridge Award Madrid 2020, category long span, for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge, Ney & Partners – William Matthews Associates, Madrid (ES)
  • Nomination Dutch National Steel Prize 2022, for the bridges Singelpark, Leiden (NL)
  • Luxembourg Pavilion for World Expo Osaka 2025, Ney & Partners – SteinmetzDeMeyer (LUX -JP)
  • Shortlisted EU Mies van der Rohe Award 2022, for the Renovation of the Gare Maritime, Brussels (BE)
  • Shortlisted for EU Mies van der Rohe Award, for the School building Melopee, Xaveer De Geyter Architecten, Gent (BE)
  • Global Galvanizing Awards 2022, for the School building Melopee, Xaveer De Geyter Architecten, Gent (BE)
  • European Public Space Award, 20 selected Works, edition 2022, for the Gare Maritime, Neutelings Riedijk Architecten, Barcelona (ES)
  • The design challenge prize by Footbridge Madrid 2022, for the Riaño site proposal, Madrid (ES)
  • AZ Awards 2022, for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge (UK)


  • Biannual BigMat International Architecture Award 2021, for the Melopee school and nursery, Ghent (BE)
  • Award for Excellent Commissioners 2021 – Flemish Bouwmeester, Ghent (BE) for the Melopee school and nursery, Ghent (BE)
  • Rijnlandse Architecture Award, for Singelpark Bridges, Leiden (NL)
  • Brussels Architecture Prize 2021, for the Melopee school and nursery, Ghent (BE)
  • European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention 2021 for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge (UK)
  • RIBA Stirling Prize 2021, shortlisted for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge (UK)
  • RIBA South East Award 2021 for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge (UK)
  • Special Prize by the jury, Steel construction Award BELUX for the restoration of the Koerich Castle (LUX)
  • Winner International Landscape Award LILA 2021 for the Territorial development Ooijen-Wanssum (NL)
  • Winner Belgium Building Awards 2021, for the Gare Maritime, Brussels (BE)
  • Winner BENELUX Award Hot dip galvanizing, for the Melopee school and nursery, Ghent (BE)
  • Winner Europa Nostra Award 2021, for the restauration and inner volumes of the Gare Maritime, Brussels (BE)
  • Prix d’Architecture MOP, Cellule architecture de la Fédération Wallonie – Bruxelles, for the Mixed use Building Fontenas, Brussels (BE)
  • Winner Intangible Heritage Netherlands, for the ‘Sunset March’ on ‘De Oversteek’ Nijmegen (NL)


  • Winner Belgian Timber Construction Awards 2020 for the Housing Complex ‘Perle Bois’, Brussels, Gare Maritime inner-volumes, Brussels, Footbridge Léon Tchiniss, Liège, Housing complex Inquiétude, Namur (B)
  • Winner Steel Construction Award 2020 BE-LUX for the Head Quarters Cordeel and for the Artwork ‘A giant sculpture’, Kasterlee
  • Winner Bridge Design Awards 2020, for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge (UK)
  • Winner Dutch architecture prize ARC20 ARCHITECTURE for the Gare Maritime (NL) 
  • Nominated by the 2020 regional RIBA for the Tintagel Castle footbridge (UK)
  • Laurent Ney recieves the medal Académie d’Architecture française, category: Research and Technique, Paris (FR)
  • Winner Structural Steel Design Award 2020, for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge (UK)
  • Museum+Heritage Awards 2020, for the Tintagel Castle Footbridge (UK)
  • Bauhärepräis 2020, Public Buildings, for European Court of Justice, Luxembourg (LUX)
  • Bauhärepräis 2020, Monuments and restaurations for the Koerich Castle (LUX)
  • Winner Europa Nostra Award 2020, for the canopy of the porch of the Rubens house, Antwerp (BE)
  • Publica Awards, Brussels, special mention in the category Urban Development, infrastructure and mobility 2020, for the Brigandsbrug in Ingelmunster (BE).


  •  Gustave Magnel 13th Gold medal 2014 – 2018 for the bridge De Lentloper, Nijmegen (NL)


  • Winner Public Award, Architecture Award 2017 Nijmegen, bridge De Lentloper, Nijmegen (NL)
  • Winner European Steel Bridge Awards 2018, for the Parkbrug Spoor Noord, Antwerp (BE)
  • Tanaka Award 2018, Dejima footbridge, Nagasaki (JP)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award 2018, category E: international projects,
    Dejima footbridge (JP)
  • Public Award, Belgian Steel Construction Award 2018, for the Parkbrug Spoor Noord, Antwerp (BE)
  • AACA Award 2018, Dejima footbridge, Nagasaki (JP)


  • Winner Good Design Award 2017, Japan Institute of Design Promotion for the Canopy Misumi (JP) and Tram Canopies, Sapporo (JP)
  • Winner Footbridge Award 2017, category medium span, Parkbrug Spoor Noord, Antwerpen (BE)
  • NRP Gulden Feniks Award 2017, regional transformation Project River park, Room for the Waal, Nijmegen, Projects Citybridge De Oversteek and Bridge De Lentloper, Nijmegen (NL)
  • Dutch Construction Award 2017, category Infrastructure for the project River park, Room for the Waal, Nijmegen, for the Citybridge De Oversteek and Bridge De Lentloper, Nijmegen (NL)


  • Structural Design Award Japan, category best international project, Misumi Canopy (JP)


  • Member of the Académie royale des sciences, de lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique (BE)
  • Winner Dutch Building Award, category Civil Constructions: Citybridge De Oversteek, Nijmegen (NL)


  • Winner National Steel Award The Netherlands, category infrastructure: Citybridge De Oversteek, Nijmegen (NL)
  • Winner Steel Competition 2014 Belgium, for the Footbridges Smedenpoort, Bruges (BE)
  • Winner Footbridge Awards 2014 short span for the Footbridges Smedenpoort, Bruges (BE)
  • Honorable mention Footbridge Awards short span for the Vluchthavenbrug, Amsterdam (NL)


  • Golden Pyramid for inspiring commissioners (NL)
  • Dutch German Award for Economy (NL-DE)
  • Winner Nemetschek Structural User Contest, category 2: Civil Structures for the Vluchthavenbrug, Amsterdam (NL)
  • Winner Cultuurprijs KU Leuven 2013-2014, architectuur, interieurarchitectuur en productdesign (BE)


  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Bridge in Vroenhoven, Riemst (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Pavillion ‘Het Huis’ Middelheim Museum, Antwerp, architecture: Robbrecht en Daem Architecten (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award 2012, for the Dutch Maritime Museum, Amsterdam (NL)
  • Winner Dutch 2012 National Steel Prize for the Dutch Maritime Museum, Amsterdam (NL)
  • Holzbaupreis Rheinland-Palz, 2011, Viewpoint Bundesgartenshau 2011, architecture: Dethier  & Associés, Koblenz (DE)
  • Award Duurzaam Kustbeheer (Sustainabele coastal management) for the footbridge De Lichtenlijn, Knokke (BE)
  • Winner Amsterdam Architecture Prize for the Dutch Maritime Museum, Amsterdam (NL)


  • New York Waterfront Center Award 2011 (USA) for the master plan ‘Ruimte voor de Waal’, Nijmegen (NL)
  • Winner Charles Lemaire Prize, Académie royale de Belgique (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Footbridge in Esch-sur-Alzette (LU)
  • Winner of the Footbridge Awards 2011 Technical short-span for the Stalhillebrug, Stalhille (BE)
  • Highly Commended for the Footbridge Awards 2011 Aesthetics long-span for the Collegebrug, Kortrijk (BE)
  • Winner of the Footbridge Awards 2011 Technical medium-span for ‘De Lichtenlijn’, Knokke (BE)
  • Highly Commended for the Footbridge Awards 2011 Aesthetics medium-span for ‘De Lichtenlijn’, Knokke (BE)
  • Highly Commended for the Footbridge Awards 2011 Aesthetics long-span for the Footbridge in Esch-sur-Alzette (LU)
  • Nomination Mies van der Rohe Award 2011 for the Collegebridge, Kortrijk (BE)
  • ‘Building of the Year 2010’ in the category ‘Public Facilities’ on for the Footbridge in Esch-sur-Alzette (LU)


  • Nomination Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Collegebridge, Kortrijk (BE)
  • Winner of the Wallonia Biennale of Architecture for the Footbridge Centner, Verviers (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Footbridge ‘De Lichtenlijn’, Knokke (BE)


  • Winner Nemetschek Engineering User Contest for the Umicore offices, Hoboken (BE)


  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the metrostation Ste-Cathérine, Brussels (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Bridge of Stalhille (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for Les Brigitinnes, Brussels (BE)


  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Pavillon Economique, Luxembourg (LU)
  • Nomination Cultural Award of Flanders (BE)


  • Nomination Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Bridge of Thuin (BE)
  • Nomination Belgian Steel Construction Award for Containing Light (BE)


  • MIPIM Award Institut Pasteur (BE)
  • Winner of the Award of Belgian Architecture for the Intercom school Liège (BE)


  • Nomination Belgian Steel Construction Award for the housing complex at Place Liedts, Brussels (BE)
  • Heritage Award, TrendsTendance (BE)
  • Nomination Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Footbridge Stockel, Brussels (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Footbridge crossing the Ourthe, Hotton (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the house Buelens-Vanderlinden, Hoeilaert (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the canopy in Castle Alden Biesen, Bilzen (BE)
  • Winner of the Award of Belgian Architecture for “Maison 2” (BE)


  • Winner of the Award of Belgian Architecture for the sport hall Rempart des Moines, Brussels, architecture: Pierre Blondel Architects (BE)


  • Winner of the Award of Belgian Architecture for the house Elena, Brussels (BE)
  • 2the prize Energy Awards for the house Elena in Brussels (BE)
  • Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award for the canopies Tachkemoni school, Antwerp (BE) et la maison Denis (BE)
  • Winner Mobility Award Brussels for the Footbridge Stockel, Brussels (BE)
  • Honorable mention in the Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Tower of Gedinne (BE)
  • Nomination Belgian Steel Construction Award for the Footbridge Stockel, Brussels (BE)


  • Award Sint-Lukasarchief (BE)

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