
Building permit ‘Airport Tram’ approved now by The Flemish Government, Zaventem (BE)

A few months after the Brussels Capital Region gave its approval, the Flemish Region has now also given its permission for the construction of the #Luchthaventram which will ride on both Brussels and Flemish territory. The tram route consists of an extension of the existing tram line from the NATO-headquarters up to Brussels airport. It opens up the business zones in Machelen, Diegem and Zaventem: a much-needed step in the modal shift around Brussels. This project is a collaboration with De WerkvennootschapTRACTEBELNey & Partners and BUREAU BAS SMETS. It is a part of the wider Brabantnet plans for better public transport around Brussels, and frames within the Werken Aan De Ring program of works. The next step is to put the infrastructure works out to tender for contractors and realize this great project. Copyright image: THV Brabantnet: Tractebel – Ney & Partners – Bureau Bas Smets.

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