
Two winning projects Steel Construction Award 2020 BE-LUX

This week InfoSteel announced the winning projects Steel Awards 2020. Ney & Partners is delighted to inform we were the consulting engineer for HQ Cordeel in the category: Utility buildings. The jury motivates: “The challenging construction site over the water makes the building a statement of the Cordeel construction company. Both aesthetically and structurally, it is a well-considered design with a readable logic. The proportions of the building are right. The craftsmanship has remained visible, and the steel was intelligently applied, partly thanks to the BIM model. This project was a collaboration with Binst Architects. The second prize is an artwork by Gijs van Vaerenbergh: ‘A giant sculpture’, winner in the category: Specific elements in steel. Here the jury states: “For the public, it is an interactive work of art. But from a steel construction point of view, it is a technical masterpiece. The application of facets in a scale structure has created a model in terms of engineering and a masterpiece in terms of execution. It subtly shows the extreme possibilities of designing and building with steel”.

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