
Successful installation footbridge station Quimper, Quimper (FR)

Mid November the footbridge of 198 tons and 86 m long was installed above the railway at a height of 7 m. This footbridge is the first impulse to build a new multimodal traffic pool in Quimper. The refurbishment will ensure the fluidity of the different traffic modes: train, car, bike, pedestrians. The bridge will also be an anchor point in the redevelopment of the entire station area, which will be built simultaneously, and it will guarantee access to the train for the persons with reduced mobility. The construction works of the whole area will be ready by the end of 2024. https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/quimper-29000/video-quimper-les-droles-de-machines-de-patrice-julien-d1fca657-eb00-4006-a152-f4c87a37d2f6

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