
Opening museum Gaasbeek Castle final stage restoration, Lennik (BE)

Two weeks ago the Museum Gaasbeek Castle organised a spectacular event for the opening of the restored castle. The restoration of the 19th century interior was the last stage in a master plan. The historic park buildings have already been restored and on the street site a new entrance building was erected. The restoration architect Origin preserved the spirit or the castle as best as possible. For the new interventions, to promote access and circulation, new materials were used with motives inspired by those introduced by the last private owner Marquise Marie Arconati Visconti and her architect Charle Albert. The remaining castle interiors in neo late medieval and neo-Renaissance style were restored one by one. Ney & Partners was is charge for the addition of a new floor with steel beams and wooden girders. This new structure was detached from the existing floors supporting the enlisted painted ceilings to avoid their cracking. Studies were also carried out to solve some building physics and stability issues and improve the accessibility.

The project team for this exceptional 3 year long journey was Origin Architects & Engineers, Daidalos (construction physics and acoustics), HP Engineers (techniques), Niek Kortekaas (scenography), Verstraete Vanhecke (contractor) and Ney & Partners (c & s engineering)

Copyright image: Georges De Kinder

The museum is open for the public every day except on Mondays. https://www.kasteelvangaasbeek.be/en/the-restoration

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