
Opening Misia bridge, Halle (BE)

Today  at 2 pm Lydia Peeters, Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works, Chris Danckaerts, Managing Director of De Vlaamse Waterweg nv (Flemisch Waterways) and Marc Snoeck, Mayor of the town of Halle opened the new Misia bridge across the canal to Charleroi. The construction of the bridge forms part of a broader package of measures aimed at improving the accessibility of the Canal to Charleroi for inland navigation vessels. At the same time, the bridge forms a new link that will improve the quality of life and mobility around the canal in Halle. Ney & Partners are responsible for the architecture of the bridge as well as the engineering of the superstructure. The studies of the substructure have ben carried out by Arcadis.

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