Opening exhibition OP DE FIETS! Fietsbruggen vandaag en morgen. Ney & Partners
We cordially invite you as well to the opening of a 2nd exhibition on Sunday March 10 at 3 pm. This collaboration with architectuurwijzer deals with our recent bicycle bridge design.
Over the past two decades, Ney & Partners has witnessed a significant growth and transformation in the assignments for bicycle bridges. Notably, bridges have evolved from being merely 2 to 7 m wide for to cyclists of varying speeds, pedestrians and other users alike. Moreover, ensuring a seamless integration with the existing bicycle route network has become paramount, alongside crafting designs that harmonize with the unique characteristics of urban, rural, or natural landscapes.
In its pursuit of sustainability, Ney & Partners remains committed to minimizing CO² emissions by employing a judicious approach to material usage in each bicycle bridge project.Ultimately, Ney & Partners places a strong emphasis on enhancing the spatial experience and riding comfort for cyclist, underscoring their dedication to creating bridges that not only serve a functional purpose but also contribute to the overall quality of urban environments. In essence, the qualitative principles guiding their design approach eloquently elucidated in the exhibition called ‘On the bike!’
Exhibition until Aug. 31 August 2024, Tuesday to Sunday from 1-5 pm, closed on Mondays and holidays. Free admission.
Parkbridge Antwerp (BE) © Stijn Bollaert