
New high speed cycle link connecting Brussels and Leuven, Brussels (BE)

A new high speed bicycle road between Brussels and Leuven has been commissioned to Ney & Partners by De Werkvennootschap. The new F29 will connect the two cities on a trajectory that consists of existing roads as well as new roads. To improve road safety, several intersections of the 17 km long bicycle expressway will be redesigned. Ney & Partners’ mission in the team comprises the architectural design and engineering of four new intersections: two bridges and two tunnels. One of the bridges is a new 112 m long cable stayed cycle bridge over highway E40 that highlights the sustainable transportation ambitions of the Flemish Region. Safe cycle paths and comfortable cycle bridges and tunnels should make it possible to cycle quickly from Brussels to Leuven. The goal is to offer road users a worthy alternative to the car and to reduce the number of motor vehicles on the road. Our partners for this project are OMGEVING, D+A, Mint and SBE.

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