Nijmegen – Designing The City Bridge

Nijmegen – Designing The City Bridge is a personal account by Laurent Ney, the engineering half of the architectural duo Ney and Poulissen, who designed Nijmegen’s new City Bridge, a challenging assignment, for Nijmegen already had an iconic bridge, the Waal Bridge, whose imposing arch structure had led the Dutch government to declare it a historic monument. Ney gives us a glimpse inside his head and his sketchbooks. We follow him through a process in which his knowledge of construction – historical as well as cultural, and local as well as international – blended with a clear vision of landscape and urban design.


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SKU: nijmegen-designing-the-city-bridge Category:
publisher Ney & Partners, Brussels, 2020
pages 104 | colour | hardcover
isbn 0 789464 079333

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Weight 508 g

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