A new bridge for Ingelmunster – The Brigandsbrug

‘A new bridge for Ingelmunster. The Brigandsbrug’ documents the context and construction process of the new village bridge. The starting point was the master plan for the redevelopment of the market and station squares that lay on opposite sides of the Roeselare-Leie Canal. This was linked to the plans to widen the canal and increase the clearance height. The master plan proposed connecting the two squares with a bridge and creating a ‘landmark’ tailored to the entire Mandel valley.
In response, Ney & Partners consciously opted for a bridge without a superstructure. In this book, we take a detailed look at some of the technical and constructional consequences of this decision.


SKU: a-new-bridge-for-ingelmunster-the-brigandsbrug Category:
publisher Ney & Partners, Brussels, 2020
pages 104 | colour | hardcover
isbn 0 789464 079333

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Weight 784 g

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