Annie Vande Wielebrug: A new bridge takes flight! Ghent (BE)
Last weekend, the Annie Vande Wielebrug, a formidable 230-ton steel structure measuring 90 by 15 m, smoothly sailed from the Aelterman workshops to the Watersportbaan in Ghent. In a night operation on November 10-11, the bridge was lifted from the Ringvaart by four cranes and placed onto SPMT’s on the Noorderlaan. From there it was driven towards its spot on the Watersportbaan. In a final operation involving 4 cranes and a pontoon on the Watersportbaan it reached its destination under the watchful eyes of the citizens of Ghent. Designed and engineered by Ney & Partners, landscaping by OMGEVING, this bridge isn’t just steel and concrete; the bridge serves the purpose of facilitating safer and quicker bike travel between the northern neighbourhoods of Ghent and the St Peter’s station. It’s a practical solution, enhancing safe crossings and subways, while adding a touch of steel elegance to Ghent’s skyline. The finalization of abutments and connections to Noorderlaan and Zuiderlaan is underway, with an expected completion in the spring of 2024.
More info: https://aelterman.be/nieuws/de-annie-vande-wielebrug-ligt-op-haar-plaats
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